Mind Gems: Daily Ritual To Tap Into Your Best Self.

Mind Gems: Daily Ritual To Tap Into Your Best Self.

Mind Gems: Daily Ritual To Tap Into Your Best Self. 1623 1080 albinarippy

This is a practice that I learned from my teacher Susanne Conrad with Lightyear Leadership.  It is a huge part of my daily ritual that allows me to clear out all sorts of stressors on my body (physical, emotional, energetic), connect with my strength, intuition and innate brilliance, so that I can become my best self.

Not only do I do Mind Gems every morning, but I also do this practice again (it only takes 10 min max) before I go into an important meeting, or I have to make an important decision, or when I need to be my best and most creative self.
This practice allows me to step into my intelligence, resourcefullness as well as connect to the Universe’s Divine guidance in my life.

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