When You Ask For Divine Guidance …

When You Ask For Divine Guidance …

When You Ask For Divine Guidance … 2431 2692 albinarippy

Coming back to the US from a year of travels has been overwhelming, to say the least.

After all, we have no home and no clear plan for the future.  What shall we do?  How does this new chapter of our lives looks like?  How am I manifesting this huge new beginning in my life?  There is so much uncertainty and so much of the unknown.

In addition, our Blue Sky Retreat at the historic San Geronimo Lodge in Taos desperately needs out attention and energy.  I have been so overwhelmed with so many urgent matters and difficult decisions that I need to make now.

I feel stress, overwhelm and self-doubt creep in.  Did I make the right decision when I purchased this historic hotel?  

I feel anxiety around what in the world am I going to do with my life?

As always in the moments of doubt, fear and worry, I drop down on my knees with a prayer.  I start my morning with a quiet meditation.  I ask for guidance and I wait patiently for that divine guidance to enter my life.

When asking for divine guidance, I deeply believe, it is important to follow these simple rituals I call Collecting Miracles:  

😄 commit to having fun, finding joy and making it easy. No matter how challenging the situation is, decide that you will see beauty and grace in everything. Laugh, be silly, be playful.  I go outside and I take a full deep breath, thinking to myself “what a blessing it is to be alive.  All these challenges and trials are making the me stronger, wiser, resilient and resourceful.  Thank you for my strength, health, brilliance, grace and favor.” 

😄 jot down even the smallest evidence that the Universe is guiding your steps. Pay attention to even the smallest of signs and have unshakeable faith that you are being guided.  This is no accidents.  There is no such thing as coincidence.  If it caught your eye, it was a sign. Here are some examples of my sings that I recognized this week: .

Experiencing the breath-taking magic of QUADRUPLE rainbow in the midst of organizing and leading the first ever Taos Mountain Yoga Festival (which by the way is already in the books for July 2020 yeah!)

Praying for a sign as I drove to Austin, my new home, and seeing the magic of a perfect DOUBLE rainbow.

Cheryl, the Shaman, who walked into my hotel to tell me about the White Buffalo Calf Woman’s message for me: spread your wings and fly .

😁 always be grateful. Say thank you for every sign that you recognize. Say thank you for the divine guidance, grace and favor.  Feel deep gratitude for all of your abundant blessings: your life, your health, the roof over your head, the food on your table, your family and friends..  There is so much to be grateful for.  Truly!

😁 Let Go and Let God.  No matter how badly you want to manifest something, trust that God’s plan for your life is so much better than anything you could ever dream of (you can call it God, the Universe, The Superconscious Mind, whatever helps you connect to that beautiful power bigger than you).  Always ask for what you want, or something better 

These are the fundamentals of manifesting and co-creating with the Universe 


If you want to learn more about Manifest Magic and become a Good Witch, like my mom called me (because I make manifest pretty much all that I set out to experience in my life), join me for these two exceptional gatherings:

Women’s Magic: Manifest and Yoga Retreat for Women in the enchanted beauty of Taos, NM Oct 17-20, 2019 – only 2 spots left, a room share spot and a single occupancy spot.  

Ski + Yoga + Vision + Goals Retreat with Roger and Albina Rippy in the winter wonderland of Taos, NM January 16-20, 2020.  This will be our 6th annual gathering yay!

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