How I Sold My Business, A Story Of Co-Creation With The Universe

How I Sold My Business, A Story Of Co-Creation With The Universe

How I Sold My Business, A Story Of Co-Creation With The Universe 2261 1505 albinarippy

Here is the story of how I sold my thriving yoga business, my passion, my deep-rooted love…

If you knew me as a founder and leader of yogaOne Studios in Houston, TX, you can attest to the fact that yogaOne was my passion and my love.  My husband, Roger, and I lovingly called our 7 yoga studios our babies because we felt so much love and care for every part of the community that we created and cultivated.

So why did we sell it?  And how?

The story goes back to our annual vision meditation that we lead as part of our yearly Ski & Yoga Retreat at Blue Sky in Taos, New Mexico on New Year’s Eve.  This is a magical process of connecting with our deep-hearted desires and listening to the Divine Guidance that comes from a Force bigger than us.  This is a practice of manifestation and co-creation with the Universe.  As I lead our retreatants through this meditation, Roger and I participate in it as well, identifying our chosen future.

As we drove back to Houston in the first days of January 2017, I told Roger “Honey, something weird happened during my Vision Meditation this time around.  YogaOne was not in my vision (mind you, yogaOne has ALWAYS been a part of my vision in the past).”  His reply shocked me even more “It was not in my vision either.”  What could it mean? – I asked.  “we must have sold it.”  The idea seemed too far out there.  It’s not like just anyone could walk in and buy 7 yoga studios. 

We did not make much of it, as we got back into our daily life doing something we absolutely loved – leading our beloved yoga community and kicking butt at our yoga business.

A few days later, Roger taught his usual yoga class at our Heights location.  An out of town visitor asked him after class “Have you ever considered selling your yoga studios?”  “Well, as a matter of fact, as of just 2 days ago, my wife and I allowed this idea in for the first time ever”  “yogaWorks is growing and their expansion plan is to acquire successful yoga studios around the country” – said the visitor.

Two short weeks later, we sat at a table with the CEO of yogaWorks discussing the possibility of selling yogaOne.  10 months down the road, all 7 yogaOne Studios became a part of the yogaWorks family.

Looking back to this experience, I can tell you 2 things:

  1. We listened and obeyed the quiet voice of the Divine.  The idea came to us from something bigger than us.  I can tell you whole-heartedly, we never considered selling our business before that vision meditation on New Year’s eve in Taos.
  1. We were not attached to one outcome or the other.  It took 10 months to close the deal and that whole time, we were absolutely unattached to the outcome.  We knew with absolute certainty that we were divinely guided and we surrendered it all into the hands of God.  We loved yogaOne and we were open to whatever God had planned for us.

The reason why I wanted to share this story with you is to give you a real-life example of my co-creation with the Universe.  This thing is real and all of my major life decisions from my personal life to my career and business decisions came from listening in to my inner guidance and my surrender to a Force greater than me.

This is how Roger and I sold our business and gave away all of our worldly possessions, took our kids out of school and travelled the word for a year creating the most incredible experience of our lives.

Even though we have no idea what our future beholds, we know with absolute certainty it will be amazing.  We are divinely guided.

And so are you..

I wish I could tell you that I just woke up like this.  It took me years to learn to let go of control and surrender.  I had to learn how to meditate and in that magical state of trans receive the message from my inner guide.  From that practice, I learned to quiet my mind, so I can hear my intuition.

It is my duty to share this sacred knowledge with YOU.  It would be my honor and my privilege to teach you the process of co-creation with the Universe, which requires practice, discipline and great work (not to be confused with hard work that has the energy of hard, difficult and heavy).

Join me for these 3 incredible offerings that I am thrilled to bring to you:

Women’s Magic: Manifest and Yoga Retreat for women in my hOMe Blue Sky at San Geronimo Lodge in Taos, NM Oct 17-20, 2019 – only 2 spots left.

Ski & Yoga Retreat with Roger & Albina Rippy (yes, the same retreat that gives us so much Divine guidance) January 16-20, 2020 at Blue Sky in Taos, New Mexico

So You Want to Open A Yoga Studio digital course (save $200 on early bird registration that ends Sep 15) where I share with you what it takes to start and grow a successful yoga studio.  I condense 10+ years of my experience of cultivating a strong brand, a multi-million-dollar yoga business, an incredible community and fulfilling work into this short course, so you can get there much faster than me.

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