with Albina Rippy

Today you will clear the major blocks to your abundance:

Lack of Deserving

Fear of Loss

There is not Enough


Negative Money Mindset

Focus on What’s Missing


Living in a “Get” Mindset


Today’s Mantra: Today and every day, I give that, which I want to receive.

Write this statement 10 times in your notebook by hand. After that writing it 10 times, please record ( audio or video) yourself reading this statement with soul, expression and sense of attachment:

“I, (full name, last name), am starting a new relationship with money today.

Money is good, pure, useful and necessary for my prosperity and growth, for my satisfaction and abundance.

Money brings positive things to my life. The success that I experience in life brings me money and happiness, for me and my loved ones.

I deserve to flourish and have a lot of money. Money is my friend and the value of my investments in it is growing every day.

Success and money accompany me, here and now.

I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to the very origins of the clan, who had difficulties due to lack of money, to bless me and give me permission to live differently.

And I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to inspire me to the very origins of the family, who lived in abundance and prosperity.”

Tapping or EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful tool that combines modern day psychology and acupressure.

I think it is the most effective and efficient way to change your inner state and step into your innate power & creativity.

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A Year of Yes Mastermind for Women
Manifest Love with Albina Rippy
Manifest Money with Albina Rippy
Manifest Marathon
Success Coach Albina Rippy